Health care workers on high strike alert

HEALTH CARE workers are on "high alert" as negotiations between their representatives and the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Social Security Fund (CSS) remain stagnant.

The announcement came Sunday, May 19, from Alvaro Lozano, vice president of the National Coordinator of Health and Technical Unions Health (Conagreprotsa).
Lozano told that "very unfortunate" statements made by the director of the CSS, Guillermo Sáez-Llorens that, at this time. "we cannot talk about another wage raise." Lozano said that there must be no "categorical" statements when you are at a negotiating table.
He said that "the wage increase is part of the institutional structure and is reflected in the agreements. If you do not update the salaries of officials and only does so with executives, who are the top earners, then you would be saying that there is no equity "and therefore a no great motivation for staff.
“So,” he said "we are in a state of high alert," which means, that if there is no progress, it is likely that the suspension of the truce automatically occurs and approximately 36 organizations that belong to Conagreprotsa go on strike.
However, Lozano said he is appealing to the good will of all parties and noted that at this time it is necessary to find a formula for good understanding and a reconciliation of all parties to reach agreements