Brewery v Federation shoot out ends

A HANDSHAKE between a brewery boss and the Head of Panama’s football (soccer) federation (Fepafut) on Friday. May 3, ended an eight day standoff in which President Martinelli got involved via Twitter.

The handshake was between Cerveceria Baru Panama general manager Helene Weesie and Fepafut president Peter Chaluja after the signing of an agreement.
The trouble started Thursday, April 25 when the with the news of the freezing of Fetaput’s bank accounts by an order obtained by the brewers of Panama beer. An amount close to $7 million was frozen because the brewery wanted a contractual payment after the federation reneged on a sponsorship deal.
Although the matter was a legal dispute, President Martinelli twittered that the brewery had to back off or face him. Weesie later complained of government pressure, and Martinelli’s intervention was widely criticized
Chaluja, said at a joint press conference: "We have reached an agreement with Panama Beer for $3 million,"
"On Monday, the freeze and the brewery demand will be lifted. Part of the amount settlement be paid in cash to the brewery and the balance will be reinvested in domestic football," he said.
Chaluja took the stage to apologize to the fans of the national team.
Panama will play Mexico on June 7 at the Rommel Fernandez stadium as the playoofs for the World Cup continue.