Family living in fear in brokerage scandal

The family of the only person detained in the Financial Pacific (FP) case is living in fear and a call has been made for prosecutors to uncover the truth.

Carlos Pellegrini, is the brother of Mayte Pellegrini, says the truth will exonerate his sister and that his family also expects to go to the public about the real culprits in this case. "There will be justice," he said on Tuesday March 16. Early reports had linked the Martinelli family to the bank, and the Supreme Court reversed a move to suspend its operations.
Pellegrini said that his family has faced a number of threats over the case, and that "Mayte is in the same jail where there are people who want to hurt her."
He said that the family is living in fear and that his sister has been unfairly accused.
An auditor who was involved in examining the books of FP has disappeared–lack-of-action-on-missing-auditor-in-panama-brokerage-scandal-condemned.html
Carlos Pellegrini said that he had been detained for three months in the case, but then without explanation the charges were dropped. He was originally accused of receiving money from FP through his sister, but he said that "I had $200 in the bank."