Panama moving to sanitize Carnival

Panama City is moving to clean up the image of carnival, which for centuries has had an orgiastic flavor before the rigors of Lent take over.

The capital's mayor, Roxana Mendez, has issued a decree containing a series of measures to have the celebration operate within the framework of "decency and public morality. "

The decree prohibits any act prejudicial to "morality and decency", including a partially or completely stained body; using whips, syringes or any method of coercion to ask for money; throwing flour, streamers and confetti; using religious habits, or costumes similar to uniforms used by the public security forces.
It will be illegal to use masks that hinder identification  after 6:00 pm.
Opening hydrants to waste water will be banned along with carrying firearms, with or without a license
People walking naked and the sale of fireworks will be grounds for a fine.
In previous years the city has distributed thousands of condoms during carnival.