Key player in brokerage investigation missing

A man who could play a key role in the investigation of the Financial Pacific (FP) brokerage, has been missing for six weeks.
Audit Deputy Superintendent of Securities Market (SMV), Vernon Ramos, had long been working on audits of FP. He would be the person who would endorse audits of SMV supervisors and prosecutors to sustain the findings of a new inquiry into FP with the "conclusions" that had come to the Superintendent, a source linked to the case told La Prensa.
His wife Sabina Ramos said that her husband disappeared, six weeks ago after saying he was going for a walk to clear his head. He was wearing shorts.
De Ramos warned that "if this family suffers a mishap or harm, there will be many repercussions, and is better that the people who are trying to do something to the family look out.".
The head of the Judicial Investigation Department, DIJ Manuel Castillo, said he did not have evidence that Ramos-one of the 720 people reported missing in 2012 – has been the victim of violence or has left the country.
And Thursday, the Panama Banking Association issued a statement supporting the Superintendency of Banks in its appeal to the Supreme Court and other authorities to resolve the case in strict accordance with the law.
The association urges a quick decision to maintain public trust and safeguard the national interest and the international banking and financial center of the country.