$3 million Xmas gift and promise of clean election – Martinelli

It may not do much to relieve the increasing traffic nightmare in Panama city, but for motorists who use the Corredors any easing of the pain will be welcome. The Corredor Norte and Corredor Sur will be free from Dec. 19-23.
President Ricardo Martinelli made the announcement on Friday December 7 while also voicing support for a clean election campaign
Martinelli said that the cost of the no-toll measure will be about $3 million and the government will assume the cost.
He had earlier hedged on the possibility of free access, saying that the highways, recently acquired by the state, had to be paid for before free access was granted
On another topic, Martinelli said that he supports the promotion of clean electoral campaigns and transparency in financing, advocated by aCatholic Church campaign
During the last election there were accusations of dirty tricks by the Martinelli party, Democratic Change, (CD) including stories that the PRD had received millions of dollars from a jailed Colombian, fraudster, David Murcia whom it later turned out had made a major donation to the CD. Murcia is now serving a 9 year sentence in the US, and has been sentenced to 32 years imprisonment in Colombia.
Martinelli made his comments while inspecting facilities that will make up the long delayed cold chain, aimed at helping farmers get their goods to markets. The project is 48 percent complete.
He said the cold chain should be ready in late 2013, in time for the election.