Climate change “merciless” in Panama, and Central America

Central America is recognized as highly vulnerable to changing weather patterns, so will support any initiative at the 18th Conference on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Qatar, that guarantees reduced greenhouse gases in the region. says an official source.
The administrator of the National Environmental Authority of Panama (ANAM), Silvano Vergara told the EFE news agency before leaving for Qatar, that "atmospheric phenomena have been merciless with the Central American region in recent years, with obvious negative consequences for safety, production, roads and civil works.”
Vergara said that a change in weather patterns that affect all daily activities and production, have forced the governments of Central America to include additions to their budgets to deal with the damage.
He stressed that it is imperative to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, and Panama will support any initiative that guarantees reduction of the region's vulnerability of..
The 18th Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC United Nations on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in Qatar from November 26 December 7.
He noted that the Panamanian delegation will seek to intervene in the various working groups, and expose the views of the country and Central America in the subjects under discussion.
The conference will address several key the main one is related to the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol and the start date of the new phase.
In addition, it includes the discussion of the resources required for the adaptation fund and especially the establishment of the Green Fund, which will contribute to address the effects of climate change in developing countries.
According to ANAM, citing a European study, climate change is considered the main cause of 14,000 extreme weather conditions, which caused more than 710,000 deaths around the world between 1991 and 2010.