Freedom celebration a time for protest and political rhetoric

The November 10 parade in Villa de Los Santos celebrating the first proclamation of Independence from Spain was made, became a magnet for anti-government demonstrations, and an opportunity for President Ricardo Martinelli to showcase his achievements.
Among those protesting were survivors of the diethylyne glycol scandal which killed over 300 users of medicine from Social Security laboratories and the Front for the Defense of Economic and Social Rights (Frenadeso) including teachers and workers.
Among the many chants were those protesting the recent high salary jump for senior security staff, seen by many as a way of “buying loyalty” There were also calls for the release of “political prisoners", following the unrest in Colon.
The parade started 45 minutes late due to the later arrival of President Ricardo Martinelli and his entourage.
He used the occasion , to call on Panamanians to be citizens of change and feel patriotic fervor every day and not just during the celebrations.
Part of his speech at the commemorating the 19st anniversary of the proclamation of independence in the Villa de Los Santos was to laud changes implemented during his administration. He mentioned the construction of roads, hospitals, sewer improvements and the universal scholarship program.
He said that "The government cannot be responsible for all the ills in the country … change is generated in the country is also the responsibility of all Panamanians.
He said that Panama is the envy of the world, but there are many people who do not want change in Panama.