Geisha coffee, good company and entertainment for snow refugees

The social scene with
Dylis Jones
What is it about the CanadaPLUS Club that enables it to pre-sell its events long before the closing date?
Their November get together to welcome visitors from northern hemisphere back to Panama to escape the winter chills has only 15 unsold tickets, with 11 days to go (at the time of writing). A weekend surge will probably mop up those and, as happened with their three night Murder Mystery event, latecomers will be disappointed.
The November 12 celebration includes an open wine bar, finger foods, entertainment, a chance to hear about discounted health insurance for members, and a chance to win some tombola prizes, including a return trip for two by Copa’s direct flight to Toronto, and a weekend hotel stay.
There will also be an opportunity to get your free carols book in English and Spanish, and seat tickets and candles for the Carols By Candlelight event in Casco Viejo. I`m told the organizers would welcome volunteers to join in the preparations. (If you are interested in getting involved and helping to rraise fund for three local causes, go to highlight of the evening will be a geisha coffee tasting opportunity presented by Palo Alto, producers of some of the finest coffee on the isthmus, and that’s saying a lot.
There will be entertainment, but most of all good company, and a chance to meet residents, and visitors, from 25 countries including Panama.
All of this and more for $20 members, $25 guests. If you want to stay on at Bell Gianna for fine Italian dining, you can reserve when you order your tickets.6619-6890 or