Oktoberfest celebrations continue with an expat special

By Dylis Jones
Oktoberfest celebrations at Rincon Aleman are massively underway  and the fine German beer and hearty German food have been satisfying thirsts and appetites for the last couple of weeks.

On Thursday October 11, mein host Fritz Schmutte is opening his heart and purse strings paying a tribute to expats, and a belated tip of the hat to Canadian Thanksgiving, (October 8) with a jubilado size discount (25%) on food AND drinks from 5 pm to midnight.

If you miss that bonanza, there’s lots more celebrating to be done
On Saturday October 13 the 30 talented musician’s comprising the Bombero’s band from Chepo will play at Rincon Aleman for the last time this year. The band has become a tradition at the annual fest and  adds some Panmanian zip to the evening. Don't miss this chance to hear them.
The following week, Friday October 19 this year’s partying comes to an end with The Steirer Buam Band fresh from Austria playing their typical national music…the sort of roll-out-the-barrel stuff that gets toes tapping and steins and voices lifting and, as they say in the land of Oktoberfest-

ein prosit der gemütlichkeit!