6 Panama companies on US blacklist for nuclear aid to Iran

The US Treasury Department United States  has placed six Panamanian corporations associated with the program of nuclear proliferation in Iran blacklist, known as the "Clinton" list.

The companies were created in Panama by the law firm Veleiro, Mihalitsianos & De la Espriella (MV & E), and their boards were composed of members of the same firm.

Resident agents and company directors resigned from their positions immediately after they were added to the blacklist.

According to the minutes of the companies registered with the Public Registry, the resignations were on October 28, 2011, a day after the Superintendency of Banks raised the rd flag.

The companies are linked to the Maritime Company of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRISL), "identified by international intelligence  organizations as facilitating the transport of raw materials, weapons and technology to benefit the nuclear and missile program of Iran."

The banks regulator is obliged to take steps to prevent operations or transactions used to commit the crimes of money laundering, terrorist financing or other illegal activity.