Martinellis call for Vice Presidents resignation rejected

At a photo-op ceremony marking the delivery of garbage trucks on Wednesday, May 9, President Ricardo Martinelli asked his vice president, and former coalition partner, Juan Carlos Varela, to resign.
He said that Varela does nothing in that office and he referred to YouTube posts showing that Varela had contacts with Valter Lavítola and the then prime minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi.
When asked by media if it was a smear campaign against Varela, Martinelli said: "a person cannot say I was there solely for protocol. If it was protocol in this case, it means that he did nothing …if he did nothing in the position and boasts that he was opposed, I would respectfully like to ask Mr. Varela, to resign and go to the opposition"h e told local media.
Within 20 minutes, the Vice President Juan Carlos Varela reacted to Martinelli’s comments. Speaking to Telemetro Canal 13 and TVN Channel 2 , Varela said he would not resign the post for which he was elected by and said that he serves the people of Panama and not the "corrupt" Martinelli government which is "running from the truth. " "I am not in politics for the applause," but to serve the country, he added. "We will face in defense of the people in this government and any time you have to do," said Vice President of Panama. public disputes between Martinelli and Varela have intensified after the breakdown of the alliance on August 30, 2011 when asked Martinelli asked for Varela's resignation as chancellor (foreign minister)of the country.
Lavitola is an Italian businessman facing charges of international bribery and corruption and alleged to have offered large bribes in Panama to high ranking government politicians. Published wire taps and emails in the files of Italian prosecutors have linked Lavitola to members of the Martinelli family and entourage.