Bid 4 Boquete raises big time community funds

Bid 4 Boquete, the leading fundraising effort in the Boquete/Potrerillos area, has broken its prior record, raising over $65,000.

Over 1000 people gave  their support


Almost 200 volunteers and over 400 donors participated and more than 1,000 people came out to buy, bid, and otherwise participate in the two-day festival organized by, Las Tres Mujeres: Penny Barrett, Bonnie Williams, and Nevia Mayers.

Recipients of this year's event will include :  Amigos de Animales de Boquete, spay and neuter program/animal welfare;  Fundacion Pro-Integracion, services for the handicapped;  Buenos Vecinos, food for the needy and shut-in;  Club de Leones, supporting the new Boquete library-  and additional amounts to half a dozen or more other smaller beneficiaries.

There are still a number of items and services left that were not purchased at either the Live or Silent Auctions. These include architectural designs and plans, legal services, resort packages, art work, and more. You can check these out in the 50% Album on the Bid 4 Boquete website, The items and services are for sale at 50% off the declared value to the first person to purchaseBid 4 Boquete also has ReAL Discount Coupon books for $20 and t-shirts for $10.