Medical strikers take protest to the streets

Medical associations supporting striking specialists at Santo Tomas hospital, took to the streets on Tuesday and marched from the hospital along Avenida Balboa towards the National Assembly.
The medical associations grouped in the National Negotiating Medical Commission (Comenenal) are continuing the stoppage that began, Monday 24 October, to protest Bill 349 creating the Public Private Partnership scheme (PPP).
Julio Osorio, general coordinator of the Comenenal, said they will continue to support the pressure campaign and the strike will not end until the National Assembly president, Hector Aparicio, sends the bill down from second to first debate.
Aparicio met with leaders of the Association of Medical Specialists of Santo Tomas . Hospital (HST) and pledged to lower the bill to the first debate.
Osorio said the Comenenal has not received such a proposal.
Striking doctors said they would not stop seeing patients because they will continue providing emergency service and care for inpatients.