Noriegas new prison home to be fitted to meet health problems

Panama’s former military dictator Manual Antonjio Noriega will have a special cell when he is extradited from France to the Renacer prison near the Gamboa Resort but it will not be fitted with luxuries.

The  cell  will be of the kind constructed for people with a disability or a delicate health condition says Roxana Méndez, minister of Government, squashing rumors that the ex- strongman will get additions not granted to regular prisoners.

She said renovations made in El Renacer are not due to Noriega's arrival, but are part of an overall plan to modernize the prison.

Noriega's transfer from one of the most notorious prison’s in France, will be handled by the Foreign Ministry and the judicial investigative unit (DIJ) But a judge will decide will make the final decisions  about which prison he will be transferred to and what conditions will govern his incarceration.

On arrival  in Panama, he will remain in a DIJ cell until the judge places him under the authority of the Penitentiary System.

“The judge will decide which prison he will go to due to his delicate health condition. That is why we are preparing ourselves,” said the minister.

Tthree prison cells in El Renacer  have been fitted to meet the requirements for housing prisoners with health conditions. An ambulance and medical personnel available 24 hours a day.

The block for people with delicate health conditions has six cells.