A celebration night for Panamanians and expats from all over

With Dra.Lourdes Quijada
If you are looking for a night out with something for many tastes from film to art, dancing, or just to sip wine and nibble on munchies while meeting and making friends, the Riu Hotel on Calle 50 is the place to be on Friday, July 1.
That’s when expats from 16 countries will gather to help local and visiting Canadians celebrate Canada Day.
Among the guests will be Canadian Ambassador Patricia Langan Torell and British Ambassador Michael Holloway, and Henk Van Der Kolk, co-founder of Tiff, the world’s biggest film festival.
The ambassadors will cut a Canada Day cake, and Henk, along with son-in-law Rob Brown will make a visual presentation on the planned Panama International film festival, scheduled to open in February next year — an event that will help focus the eyes of the world on the Isthmus, bring some of the big names in the film world to the city and provide entertainment and involvement for all who live here.
Two Canadian artists, Yolanda Van der Kolk and Germain Courchesne, both living in Panama will be showing a selection of their works and there will be jeweler made by members of the CanadaPLUS Club, and an opportunity to buy tee shirts to support an El Valle animal protection program.
You will also be able to receive information on membership of the CanadaPLUS Club, which creates events for Panamanians and expats from around the world to meet and socialize, and provides opportunities for group health insurance, and multiple discount benefits.
The cost for the evening (by ticket only) is $20 members, $25 non members. For tickets, which can be picked up in Bella Vista. or delivered to your home or office: clubcanadaplus@gmail.com. 6619 6890. {jathumbnail off}
Hurry. Sales end this weekend.