Minister denies government hand in futuristic video production

Publics Works Minister, Federico Suarez, has  denied that the video with a futuristic vision of Panama with the extension of  the Cinta Costera was the work of the government.

White protest flags line a street in Casco Viejo

The near 8-minute video, believed to have cost about $100,000, is circulating on YouTube and has raised concerns among those opposing the stage three extension of the Cinta Costera. {jathumbnail off}

"We obviously want to do no harm, and whoever made this video, apparently has many resources," Suarez said at a meeting with executives and journalists at La Prensa.

During the meeting June 17,  says La Prensa, Suarez said three options were presented last week to the Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco): a tunnel, a waterfront  extension or a marine viaduct from Balboa Avenue to the road bordering Chorrillo.

"We have not decided which of the three  to build.We have a period as three months to make a decision,"he said.

But,  at the recent opening f phase two of the coastal strip, President Ricardo Martinelli, said he "would prefer a waterfront because it was cheaper than other proposals."

In addition, Suarez said the Government planned to make several fillings to develop Amador (very similar to those shown in the video). There would be a cruise port, a marina, a convention center and a fill around Barraza.

The views of Martinelli  are what concern opponents, who believe that the the building of a highway around the old city would not only relieve it of its beaches, but also of its designation as a World Heritage site.

In the meantime campaigners have continued with their white flag campaign with signs multiplying  across the  old city, where authorities deem them display  illegal.  Organizers say that residents in other parts of Panama are also looking to display  “white flag” signs.