Daughter of Noriega victim wants him to name accomplices

The daughter of a man who was a victim of the military dictatorship, wants former strongman Manuel Antonio Noriega returned to Panama and pressured to name his accomplices.
Patria Portugal, daughter of murdered political leader Heliodoro Portugal, is now the Panama’s omsbudman, and says that Noriega clearly did not act alone in carrying out his crimes.
She said that, upon his release from a French prison, Noriega should be brought back to his home country, questioned to elicit names of his partners in crime and locations of bodies of his victims.
This she said.”It is a matter of morality and justice," and would ease the pain of relatives of the victims {jathumbnail off}
Panama has requested the extradition of Noriega to stand trial for his crimes, but may have to wait until he completes his current sentence in France in 2013.