Panamas multi nation celebration of Royal Wedding

Representatives of over a dozen countries will be celebrating the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton,  at a CanadaPLUS  Club reception in Panama on Friday, April 29.

Raising a glass of  champagne from afar, they will be entertained with videos of the events at Westminster Abbey, when the girl descended from North of England coal miners marries RAF helicopter pilot and future King of England,  Prince William of Wales..

The couple  have been dating for over  8 years and their  marriage which is being televised around the world  is expected to attract over two billion viewers entranced by the romance of a Prince and the first “commoner” to marry into UK royalty in 300 Years. The only secret of the ceremony yet to be revealed is the wedding dress of Kate, whose normal outfits are already being copied by designers  and snapped up by an adoring public. 

Prince William  further endeared himself to cheering fans when he left  the Abbey during rehearsal and shook hands with scores of waiting spectators. {jathumbnail off}

Over 12,000 journalists have flocked to London, with CNN, and NBC among the thousands of cameras that will be focused on the ceremony, the crowds, and the parade along the Mall to Buckingham Palace, where the newlyweds will appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace along with other members of the Royal Family before proceding to the wedding feast, where the toast to the bride and groom will be made by William's younger brother, Prince Harry.

The wedding coupleThousands of spectators have been camping out on the parade route for up to four days and there have been three nights of  final dress rehearsals by all those participating, from the Household Cavalry and the Brigade of Guards, the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force,  to thousands of police, ambulance workers and security personnel.

In Britain it is a national holiday, but in Panama, many will be glued to their sets from early morning.

For CanadaPLUS members and guests it will be an evening of music, dining, and wining , raising a glass of champagne while the Wedding Cake, complete with a carriage mounted on the top layer,  is cut and distributed.
They will all leave with a Royal Wedding souvenir, designed and produced in Panama.

Full picture coverage in Newsroom on Saturday, April 30.

There will also be a celebration at the home of the British Ambassador to Panama, Michael Holloway for British citizens and local business leaders.