Eau de Panama on its way out

If you live in Paitilla, bordering the Bay of Panama, high can have two meanings … the unoccupied Point tower or the scent of “eau de Panama” from Bay.

Savoring the  fragrance of Panama Bay

Now relief from  the sewage odour is approaching  after a five year $516 million investment with another$32.6 million out to bid.

The big sewage disposal project which began in 2006 has passed the halfway mark and, is now 53 percent complete according to government officials. The additional projects include a collection system in Curundú, the clean up of the Matasnillo River and the construction of the second stage of the collection system for Juan Díaz.{jathumbnail off}

 The government is also inviting proposals for the design of the second phase of the network of sewers in San Miguelito.

 Thecontracts will be financed, in part, with funds that will be provided by the Inter-American  Development. Bank

 Currently underway is the construction of a $211 million sewage treatment plant and a $140 million interceptor tunnel. Both projects are being done by Brazilian firm Norberto Odebrecht which has garnered billions of dollars from the government. and are 39 percent complete. The tunnel will be 8.1 kilometers and extend from Chanis to Balboa Avenue.

 The waste water treatment plant will be in Llano Bonito. It will treat water that will then be discharged into the bay…. without the smell.