WHAT THE PAPERS SAY -Supreme Court scandal an embarrassment

La Prensa -Hoy por Hoy Mar. 29 – The scandal surrounding figures of the Supreme Court is an embarrassment to the entire country and is undoubtedly an embarrassment to the entire judicial system

Whether by the Attorney General or the National Assembly, the investigation of this case must be neat and clear, and not the caricature of research that has resulted from the CEMIS case,[a long dealyed investigation into alleged bribery of deputies] the other great abomination of the Court, not only by the facts discovered in that process, but by the usual, and proverbial, impunity that extends to all high profile cases.

It is important that the Attorney Generak or the members take their role of investigators with the seriousness the allegations merit. It is not simply circuit  magistrates, but judges of the Supreme Court, the highest level of the judiciary, whose decisions are final and without appeal.
 And we have sitting there a judge who has no visa for the United States because he was removed for alleged acts of corruption. Now  suspicions arise over another judge. How can we have confidence in judges marked by suspicion and mistrust?