Celebrating The Year Of The Rabbit in Panama

Out and About
With Dra Lourdes Quijada

If you've received a letter or parcel from Australia, Canada, or the U.S. recently, and wondered why it's adorned with Chinese illustrations  featuring a rabbit, it's because the three countries are honoring Chinese New Year.

CanadaPost  has marked Chinese New Year for 15 years

That's the time when celebrants clean house to sweep away ill fortune and make way for incoming good luck.

For those interested in joining CanadaPLUS, Panama's new social community group, the good luck starts early.
The Club has extended its offer of Lifetime Founder Membership for only the regular annual fee, until January 30, four days before the Chinese New Year (  February3). The offer enables subscribers to not only receive a membership card giving discounts at businesses, including restaurants, but also to attend all future Club events at a reduced price. And the list is long, and growing longer.
It starts with A Year of the Rabbit feast at the Madame Chang restaurant on Calle 48, off Uruguay. A special three course menu has been created by the restaurant that serves what a New York Times reviewer described as “The best Chinese food in Latin America." Those who attend will be able to select from four choices for each course  including a vegetarian option, and will also receive a glass of wine.
The meal will be followed by the serving of Geisha coffee, that world famed Panamanian product that last year was auctioned at over $170 a pound and this year year promises to be sold for more as heavy rains have led to a reduction in the harvest. So if you want to taste the beverage that sells at over $15 a cup in other countries, this is the time.
If you were born in a year of the Rabbit ( 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987) you are are said to be articulate, talented and ambitious, reserved and with excellent taste. Rabbit people are admired, trusted and are often financially lucky. They are fond of gossip, but are tactful and generally kind.
Fond of Gossip! Sounds like Madame Chang’s is the place to be on February 3.
There will be surprises for all, and it will be a time to meet old friends, and to network.
Tickets for the Year of the Rabbit feast are $30 for members, $35 for non members.

Membership of the Club, including the discount cards is $25 single, $40 double, and remember, until January 30, that's a lifetime fee.  Quite the bargain.
For information on CanadaPLUS or reservations for the dinner, Call 6619-6890, or email clubcanada@gmail.com.

You can also pick up tickets at: SpanishPanama, which sits atop The Green Room restaurant on Avenida Argentina If you get lost call 6624-3302; Kapital Investments Managers IBC Tower,(same building as the Crown Plaza hotel. (valet parking available).