Panama refuge for secret police chief a miscalculation–former Foreign Minister

President Ricardo Martinelli’s decision to give asylum to the  former head of Colombia’s secret police was "a political miscalculation"  says a former Panamanian foreign minister.

Jorge Ritter

Jorge Ritter expressed his opinion in an interview published   Saturday, (December 4) in Colombia’s El Espectador which quoted  Martinelli as saying that refuge should be granted to other former officials and close aides of former President Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010).

Ritter, said Colombia should formally refute the arguments of Hurtado who said she was being persecuted.

Martinelli has told local media that granting asylum to  Hurtado, head of the security body, DAS will not affect relations between Colombia and Panama.

Colombia’s  recently elected  president Juan Manuel Santos, said he respected the decision of Panama, but he would have liked to be informed about the asylum.

Ritter said Santos administration's reaction has been "lukewarm.

Members of Panama’s Colombian  community point out that the DAS has been previously associated with murder squads, surveillance of journalists, opponents and members of the judiciary.

Some suspect  that the asylum request came from a call from Uribe to Martinelli when it was thought that  Hurtado, who was under investigation might  be ready  to “talk”, revealing names and information that would prove embarrassing to Uribe.

Media outlets in Colombia continue to be critical of Martinelli. One writer described Panama as the latest 99 outlet.