Big fines on the way for cell phone drivers and other traffic violators

Over 40 years ago in London, England they started painting major intersections with a yellow trellis pattern. It was a major step in stopping drivers from moving into an intersection even if the lights were in their favor, when their exit lane was not free. Now Panama is following suit,

Comming soon to Panama ... the yellow trellis, not the double deckers

 and soon you will see the yellow trellis at a number of major intersections across the city to help reduce traffic jams.

For the benefit of drivers, who are color blind, short sighted or just not interested, the painting will be supported by the introduction of heavy fines for offenders who get caught. The Transport authority is calling for sanctions of $200.
The government is also considering proposals to significantly increase other traffic fines including $150 for speeding, $150 for running a red light and $100 for talking on a cell phone while driving.
Jorge Ricardo Fábrega, director of transportation agency ATTT, said the agency is creating a proposal for submission to the Cabinet Council.
So far this year, police have issued about 4,000 tickets for talking on cell phones, one of the more common offenses.
As with all laws in Panama the challenge is of enforcement. Many habitual cell phone users are hidden behind dark glass, and often traffic police seem more interested in chatting with fellow officers than catching flagrant offenders right in front of them. But let’s see
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