Crisis looming at Panama gold mine

A holding pond used to contain contaminated water from the Petaquilla gold mine in Donoso, Colón, is dangerously close to overflowing  and causing a serious environmental problem,

The Petaquilla mine

According to sources, says La Prensa  the company has hired 100 employees to build a second holding pond, but that facility won’t be ready until next week at the earliest.
Any significant rainfall this weekend will cause the water, which is contaminated with cyanide, to spill into the area surrounding the gold mine, potentially causing a serious environmental problem.
The situation has paralyzed operations at the mine since Wednesday.August 18, Company officials downplayed the situation saying it is normal for the rainy season.
"There has been no spillage or the release of cyanide into the area," they said but confirmed that production has stopped.
Crisis looming at gold mine
A holding pond used to contain contaminated water from the Petaquilla gold mine in Donoso, Colón, is dangerously close to overflowing says La Prensa.
According to sources, the company has hired 100 employees to build a second holding pond, but that facility won’t be ready until next week at the earliest.
Any significant rainfall this weekend will cause the water, which is contaminated with cyanide, to spill into the area surrounding the gold mine, potentially causing a serious environmental problem.
The situation has paralyzed operations at the mine since Wednesday August Company officials downplayed the situation saying it is normal for the rainy season.
"There has been no spillage or the release of cyanide into the area," they said but confirmed that production has stopped. In the first six months of the year, the mine reported  gold sales of $36 million. {jathumbnail off}