When a play goes into production look for Noises Off

Noises off …no, not the music blasting buses that drive along through the streets and along the Cinta Costera at night, or the grinding of gears of crumbling diablos rojos as they try to negotiate a slight gradient in the city.
Noises off is the latest production of the Theatre Guild of Ancon, whose performances continue to draw full houses throughout the year, and this one promises to lay bare the secrets of what goes on behind the scenes when a play is getting ready for production.
The struggle to get ready on time, rehearsals, bloopers, unlearned lines, and personal interactions. And then the problems when the show finally hits the boards. Noises off is a play within a play mixing mockery and homage with a hilarious melee of stock characters and situations, and it’s all happening with a sex farce Nothing’s On-
Has the team been battling with chaos on at Ancon in recent weeks? None of the following are talking: Directors: Melanie Gilpin and Bernard Callaghan. Cast: (including some familiar names and some extraordinary new talent -extraordinary because that’s what successful show biz is all about): Erica Baum, Jason Biffis, Bernard Callaghan, Fernando Dreyfus, Melanie Gilpin, Linda Johnson, Octavio Lindres, Nick Miles, and Jeanie Schuerman.
The performances will be spread over two weeks on August 5-7 and 12-13, with a start time variously described as 7.45 p.m. and 7.56 p.m. some more noises off. But that’s all part of the show and arriving early will not only ensure you get a good seat, but will enable you to hobnob at the patio bar with friends and all those who want to get a fun filled glimpse of the inner life of theater.
If what’s written above hasn’t convinced you perhaps the critics will:
“…As side-splitting a farce as I have seen. Ever? Ever!” –N.Y. Magazine
“…A joyous and loving reminder that the theatre really does go on, even when the show falls apart.” –N.Y. Times
“…Pure fun.” –N.Y. Post
For Reservations: 212-0060 (answering machine) e-mail: tgapanama@gmail.com-www.anconguild.com, Cell: 6007-6842 A donation of $10 gets you a fun evening.
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