Panama’s national strike claimed to be 95 percent effective, Supreme Court picket planned

Panama’s National Front for the Defense of Social Rights (Frenadeso) called an end to the peaceful national strike which shut down construction work and schools with a claimed 95 percent effectiveness on Tuesday.
In a press conference Frenadeso said that members would continue to demand a repeal of Act 30 and to eliminate the tax of 7 percent.
They also called for doing away with the Law 14, known as jailhouse Law and Decree 944, which regulates the curriculum change.
It plans a picket near the Supreme Court,on Wednesday, July 14 at 4:00 pm
Leaders said the nationwide strike was successful and involved educators, members of the Construction and allied Workers union abd workers from different companies and communities.The main concentration of workers was at Parque Porras and at times it was thought that there might be public disorder but, police did not act at any of the protest gatherings.
In the judicial area, the assistant prosecutor Angel Calderon confirmed the suspension of orders of inquiry notices into 10 -15 leaders issued on July 10, and announced the release of one of the two workers arrested last weekend.
There were numerous peaceful marches across Panama, with workers clapping, smiling, and chanting slogans. Many spectators gave them the thumbs up signal.
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