Noriega not one syllable of regret

What the papers say
La Prensa June 30
The years that Noriega has spent in jail have not served to chasten him. On the contrary.
At his trial in France for laundering money, the former general defended as his "honest" heritage several million dollars deposited in bank accounts, claiming that their sources were legitimate from his business in Panama as a merchant and spy….
With the evidence against him Noriega was repeatedly trying to confuse a judge. Amnesia was manifested only when he had to answer sharp questions. There was not in his words one syllable of regret and he was still clinging to his ill-gotten millions, in his role as a victim, forgetting that in Panama he ordered a slaughter against fellow soldiers and led the country into the worst economic disaster in its history as we suffered his vile tyranny, not as he says now, looking for a democratic transition. Nothing has changed for him. Lies, lies like the spy he was.