World Cup focus shrouded passing of new law—PP leader

The government seized the opportunity of the people’s focus on the World Cup to distract  attention from the passing of a “clearly unconstitutional” law said Popular Party Leader Milton Henriquez on Wednesday (June 16).

Milton Henriquez

"They did not allow a real debate" and for that reason, "this process will accumulate in the frustration of people who will say ‘where are the promises of Ricardo Martinelli?’ "  said Henriquez on Telemetro.

On Tuesday, Security Minister, Jose Raul Mulino, Martinelli said that President would approve the 9 in 1 omnibus document, which passed through the Assembly last week. "What has been said in recent days against this law are fallacies," said Mulino, in response to questions made by environmental groups, students, workers, activists from various organizations and opposition politicians.

The bill, approved on Saturday 12 June by the National Assembly amended the Labor, Criminal, and Judicial,

It has led to the promise of massive street demonstrations and a possible general strike. 

The first demonstration was on Tuesday (June 16) and will be followed by a march on the Presidential Palace, starting at 4 p.m. on Thursday.

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