From hot March to April heat wave

If you think the last few days have been hot, hang on for April. On Monday (March 29) the high temperatures combined with the humidity produced what felt like 38C in parts of Panama.
Relative humidity at this time of year is around 60%, and that combined with the El Niño phenomenon has pushed maximum temperatures upwards. The normal average for March and April is around 33 degrees Celsius, but is currently 34 to 35 degrees and that combined with the humidity makes it feel more like 38 or 39.
For April which is the hottest month when the Earth is closest to the sun the forecasters say there will be a heatwave from April 12-18.
We are also feeling the effects of diminished Trade Winds, which usually help carry away the greenhouse gases emitted by vehicles on the city streets, making night and early mornings hotter. If you want to see the pollution that’s hanging over the city, take a ferry to Taboga.
If you are familiar with Robert Browning’s “Oh to be in England,now that April’s there” you will soon have a finer understanding of the poet’s meaning.