Panama and the United States Formally Signed a Memorandum Regarding the Darién

Panama and the United States formally signed a memorandum of understanding on assistance and cooperation in immigration matters that will allow the closure of the passage of illegal immigrants through Darién, an issue that has become a serious humanitarian crisis.   In the agreement signed Monday by Panamanian Foreign Minister Javier Martínez-Acha and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, the U.S. government agrees to cover the cost of repatriating immigrants who enter illegally through the Darién.  “Support Panama with equipment, transportation and logistics for foreigners detected within migratory flows in violation of Panama’s immigration laws (hereinafter, “irregular immigration flows”) who will be subject to administrative immigration measures in accordance with Panamanian law,” reads the memorandum of understanding signed by the United States.  In the agreement, Panama pledged to comply with all international agreements and conventions on the rights of immigrants and refugees.  Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino is committed to resolving the Darién crisis and ending the illegal human trafficking business.