Presidents discretionary fund pays for cousins hospital bill
Over $16,000 was paid from President Ricardo Martinelli’s discretionary-funds for social projects to cover the cost of hospital treatment for his...
Over $16,000 was paid from President Ricardo Martinelli’s discretionary-funds for social projects to cover the cost of hospital treatment for his...
Panama has turned down flat the legalization of drugs to end the drug wars, even before discussions have started. (more…)
Transit police (ATTT) were out early on Monday, February 27, to assess traffic jams near schools in Panama. (more…)
President , Ricardo Martinelli, gave$175,462 from his "discretionary" funds for providing flowers and organizing the state funeral of three-time president...
After a 10 day silence over the crisis surrounding the indigenous protests over mining and hydroelectricity, President Ricardo Martinelli issued...
Bid 4 Boquete, the leading fundraising effort in the Boquete/Potrerillos area, has broken its prior record, raising over $65,000. (more…)
Debauchery and lack of control among young people are the prime causes of deaths during Carnival celebrations in Panama say...
Debauchery and lack of control among young people are the main cuase of deaths during Panama’s carnival celebrations say...
The drinking water problems of the of Panama’s upscale Punta Pacifica district will be solved in 15 days says the...
Achieving a solution to the mining and hydroelectricity challenges in and around the Chiriqui homelands of the Ngäbe Bugle is...
By Dra Lourdes Quijada Do you sing in the shower, while your cruising the highway? Or perhaps you are a...
Water woes continue in Punta Pacifica, variously described as Panama’s most prestigious district, and a "concrete "ghetto". (more…)