Quarantine flouting  could delay  reopening as virus cases pass 7,000

Moves towards reopening the Panama economy could be delayed  if  Panamanians and foreigners continue to flout the quarantine regulation to combat the COVID-19 pandemic said deputy health minister Luis Francisco Sucre. Sucre on Saturday. May 2.

The warning came  as the accumulated cases of the virus in Panama surged to

7,090  with  197 deaths and 89 patients  in intensive care.

“The quarantine is being violated,so the health system calls for compliance with the established provisions to decrease the transmission rate  (RT),”said  Sucre.

” We are not achieving the objectives required for this stage , so we must stay at home. If we do not achieve better results, the decision will have to be postponed. as we continue to face families and the country  with constant exposure,” said Sucre.