Health Ministry studies gyms reooening

This week and next the Ministry of Health (Minsa) will be evaluating the reopening of gyms in Panama said Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre on Wednesday, November 28.

He said that the Minsa will publish on its website, in the coming days, the biosecurity protocol for the use of gyms. The minister stressed that the opening date will be established according to the behavior and evolution statistics of the virus.

“We have to take things calmly and we understand very well, the need to open gyms and the fact that exercising is part of health, however we want to ask a little patience,” said Sucre.

On  Monday, October 26, a group of gym owners and trainers protested on the Cinta Costera, asking for authorization to reopen, claiming that during these closing months they have recorded economic losses and accumulated debts as a result of the pandemic.