Panama ranks high in virus testing

“Panama has one of the lowest incidences of active cases, both in the Region and worldwide, ranking 86 (with 89 active cases per 100,000 inhabitants), within the countries that report data to the WHO ”, says  Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in its bi-weekly report.

However, with respect to the accumulated positives, taking into account the first contagion, which in the case of Panama was in March 2020, a high incidence of 8,313 patients per 100,000 inhabitants is reported. It is ranked number 13 in the world.

PAHO also explains that despite having one of the highest incidences of accumulated cases in America, the country is among the nations with the most tests applied, which allows the identification of a greater number of cases in the population.

“Until April 17 there are 535,921 tests per million inhabitants, being surpassed in volume of tests by Chile with 630,894 tests per million inhabitants, Canada with 781,484 tests per million inhabitants, and the United States with 1,193,593 tests per million inhabitants”, specifies in the report of the international organization.