Covid pandemic is not over and  use of masks recommended


Covid-19 variants of concern continue to circulate and we could see “a resurgence of cases and deaths at any time,” the use of masks remains  a recommended  measure  said Ciro Ugarte, Director of Health Emergencies at the weekly conference of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

The advice comes despite the fact that in some countries the incidence of Covid-19 has a downward trend.

Since March 28, in Panama, the use of masks in open spaces or places is not mandatory, although the Health authorities recommend using them in case of crowds. The standard remains in force indoors.

“The recommendation is still valid. In any scenario, the use of masks is still recommended, ”said Ugarte.

He reiterated that this protection measure against the virus can be taken voluntarily, but as long as there is a close relationship with early detection and response mechanisms.” The recommendation is that personal protection should be applied in all situations,” said Ugarte.

“I want to reiterate, the Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet.”