Covid-19 cases zoom in 9 provinces


cases of Covid-19 have increased in nine of the ten provinces of Panama, according to the latest report from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

The highest incidence of cases, between epidemiological weeks 15 (April 10 to 16) and 17 (April 24 to 30), was registered in the province of Coclé, which went from 68.8 to 264.4 cases per 100,000. Population an increase of 248.5%.

Then came the provinces of Herrera, which rose from 102 cases to 355.5 per 100,000 inhabitants, Darien went from 8.3 to 28.9 cases, West Panama from 32.2 to 104.2 cases, Los Santos from 213.1 to 660.5 cases, and Panama increased from 38.2 to 105.1 cases.

PAHO highlights that stability is observed in two regions: Bocas del Toro reports 6.8 and 6.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the corresponding SE15 and SE17 and the Ngäbe Bugle region with 2.1 cases in both weeks.

In Guna Yala, there are no cases for six consecutive weeks.

The figures also reflect that all age groups show an increase in incidence between EW 15 and EW 17.

The international organization specifies that the greatest change occurs in the group of 20 to 39 years, which went from 42.4 to 118.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This represented an increase of 178.8%.

Then follows the group of those under 20 years of age who go from 33.6 to 92.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (an increase of 175.6%), that of 60 to 79 goes from 47.9 to 131.8 cases (175.1%), that of 40 to 59 years it goes from 48.1 to 121.6 cases (152.8%) and the group of 80 and over goes from 57.5 to 129.6 cases (125.4%).