Visual Artists online fair an opportunity to invest in local works

Panama’s first  Virtual  Fair of Visual Artists is being staged by the Ministry of Culture this weekend Saturday,  June 13, and Sunday, June 14, from noon to 7:00 pm with the opportunity to buy local works of art online.

Daniel Domínguez,  the Ministry’s National director of Arts said that the innovative initiative seeks to use technology as the main ally to collaborate with artistic creation and what the Internet offers to help the visual arts sector in these sensitive times because of COVID-19.

Professors and students from the Schools of Art Education of MiCultura will participate in the fair, as well as artists with disabilities and members of the Panamanian Association of Plastic Artists.

Domínguez adds that the visitor will be able to enter the website of the Ministry of Culture, for the link to a  gallery of the more than 80 participating artists and from their respective Instagram accounts they will be able to see techniques, sizes, and prices of the works.

The objective is for the artist to have a space to share and sell his work to the

public, and it will also be the ideal occasion for Panamanian homes to provide a space for national art.

Participating   artists are from the provinces of Panama, Panama West, Veraguas, Chiriquí, Bocas del Toro, Darien, Herrera, Colón, Guna Yala, Coclé and Los Santos has been confirmed, and  the Emberá community