Panama marks Oceans Day, will host world  conference

In 2021, Panama will host the “Our Ocean Conference” where governments, NGO’s and civil society commit to measurable actions for the conservation of the oceans

The Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente) is in the process of formulating the National Policy for Oceans, which will give Panama a diagnosis of the current situation facing the marine-coastal areas and the impacts caused by low, medium and high tides

On  World Oceans Day, Monday, May 8 with the support of the UN environment agency key actors from various interested sectors participated in a series of workshops in Chiriquí, Coclé, Colón, Darién, Panama, Veraguas and the Guna Yala region.

The country it seeks to promote a  maritime culture, and a strategy to integrate coastal communities with their surroundings, and promote and prioritize scientific research areas for decision-making and proper management of the oceans.

José Julio Casas, director of Coasts and Seas of the Mi Ambiente said  that “the uses we give to these enormous bodies of water favor the national, local and even international economy” referring  to “fishing, mariculture and different forms of tourism, which inject important resources for the development of coastal communities, which permeates the national economy.”

An innovative scheme to protect the Oceans, from plastics that are thrown into the different tributaries, from reaching the sea, was implemented by  Zero Plastic Ocean (ZPO), within the framework of the celebration World Oceans Day.