Panamanian performers unite for Haiti

Panamanian artists and singers have joined together to produce a CD and organize a concert to raise funds for the rebuilding of Haiti.

Among the artists involved are reggae singer Charley Anderson, saxophone player Carlos Garnett, Margarita Henrique Latin American idol contest winner of 2008, Ivan Barrios, Alejandro Lagrota, The Kid, and Los Rabanes.

The concert, “Getho Child for Haiti” is  scheduled for May 30 at the Rommel Fernandez stadium. The program is being organized by Brett Conliffe of Global 507.

The First Lady of Panama Marta de Martinelli has been approached and if she agrees to collaborate the profits will go to an NGO of her choice otherwise funds will be sent to the International Red Cross.

An 11 track CD "Getho Child" can be purchased from or you could visit the MySpace site