Cantus Panama using song to aid Panama wild life

By Lourdes Quijada

Cantus Panama a multi-national choral group that I last saw in action at the Carols By Candlelight Concert in December, is back in full song, and rehearsing for their next performance in June.

As always, the community oriented choir will be raising money for a cause close to their hearts. This time, with your support, they  will be donating to the Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project , dedicated to saving Panama’s frog and salamander population which has been plummeting due to the spread of a killer fungus.
The mission say the project cordiantors “is to rescue and establish assurance colonies of amphibian species that are in extreme danger of extinction throughout Panama. We will also focus our efforts and expertise on developing methodologies to reduce the impact of the amphibian chytrid fungus so that one day captive amphibians may be re-introduced to the wild."
The theme of the concert will be animals, nature and conservation.
Cantus had an animal theme at a previous concert and raised around $1000 for an animal spaying program. This time they have broadened the repertoire and, under the direction of Kristen Saltinstall Come will sing about birds, frogs, fish, woodlands and wonders of the world.
The location has not jet been finalized but there will be two opportunities to hear the chorus perform, on Saturday, June 8 or Sunday, June 9. Both concerts will be in the afternoon. I will provide the location at a later date, but if you miss it, keep your eye on Newsroom’s “What’s On” and it will be posted there as soon as we get the details.