NEW ON THE BLOCK: Food Truck Alley hits Panama

THIS IS THE FIRST of a  series of  features introducing Newsroom readers to new  or refurbished ventures,  in Panama, including eateries, hotels, stores and more.

We welcome suggestions or contributions from readers. This report was provided by Panama based real estate guru  Kent Davis

Anyone who’s ever visited a town like Portland Oregon or Austin Texas can appreciate the food truck culture, where dozens of restaurant owners set up mininature venues around a central courtyard. 

It’s the marriage of a shopping mall food court with an open air concept and the result is usually much better food and a much more relaxed vibe. 

Mi Calle el Hambre marks Panama’s official entre into food-truck alley, with over 15 different vendors set up in an area  just behind Parque Andres Bello off Via Argentina.  It’s a fantastic alternative to dining at a time of rising food prices and a great way to sample various cuisines from a few different owners in one evening. 

 As El Cangrejo residents, my wife and I have visited the site during the week and on a weekend and found the experience to be fantastic. 

 It’s another one of those concepts that has worked in other parts of the world, and someone had the bright idea to bring it to Panama.  After less than a month of being open, it appears to be a total success.  On the nights we visited outlet owners were doing brisk business and offering a variety of cuisine from local favorites like fresh grilled arepas to ceviche, burgers, and even a few ethnic offerings like Mexican, Spanish, and middle eastern options.  I think someone was even doing sushi. 

 Each stand has separate operators, some of whom have chosen to do a really classy job of upgrading their dining areas and other owners have simply set up chairs and umbrellas, which makes for an eclectic eating area.  

Prices range from a $12. steak to a $2.taco, and a few of the stands serve alcohol, (gracias a Dios).