Panama Jazz grads move to international stage

THREE GRADUATE STUDENTS of the Danilo Perez Foundation in Panama will join an orchestra formed by students and musicians from different musical institutions of the United States and will perform in Detroit, New York and Boston between September 2 and 14 

They are Luis Carlos Perez, Carlos Agrazal and Oscar Cruz
All concerts will be under the artistic direction of pianist Danilo and will highlight for the first time on an international stage, young musicians who have continued their education in through the foundation and the Panama Jazz Festival .
Concerts will be held at the Detroit Jazz Festival; at Lincoln Center in New York; and the Berklee College of Music in Boston.
Danilo Perez said that the inclusion of Panamanian jazz is part of the cultural exchange program between educational institutions participating in the tour and noted that the three musicians have passed through the learning process and are now teachers with their own students, a goal of the Panama Jazz Festival educational project