Shakespeare in a rollicking 21st century time frame

The entertainment scene with Margot Thomas

SHAKESPEARE, is back in the news internationally because of the upcoming publication of a book onShakespearean pronunciation and in Panama because of  a  Theatre Guild of Ancon (TGA) presentation that promises to give you the full flavor of the bard’s works , including the bawdy bits, in a  21st century  time frame.

shakespeareIf you have not managed to work your way through all of his  comedies, tragedies and historical plays ets you can make up for lost time  at the  TGA’s performance of   The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged), which   opens March 3 and  parodies the 38 plays with all of them performed in shortened or amalgamated form.

For those readers educated in the British grammar (high) or public (private) school system, working their  way through, at least three plays a year, the news that the Guild is about to stage a performance of all   of the master’s works in just 97 minutes may be a bit of an eye opener.

It gets even  more  interesting  when  you discover that there are just three actors  all of them male (another Shakespearean era reflection).

Director  Nick Miles promises a fast-paced, gag-a-second delight that leaves the audience gasping for more. Something that high school kids memorizing vast swathes of the bard’s words might have appreciated

The super speedy version stars  Adam Herzig, Simon Tejeira and James Mattiace.

Professor   David Crystal’s book:  The Oxford Dictionary of Original Shakespearean Pronunciation, shows that because of the change in pronunciation over the last 400 years, modern day audiences miss out on many of the jokes and naughty innuendos. Nick and his cast will make sure that you get them all.

The TGA tradition of helping the audience shake the rafters with  their laughter, promises to  continue.

Performances will be March 3-5, 10-12  and  17-19.  Admission: $15.

Curtain up at: 8pm, but arrive   earlier and enjoy the atmosphere of the patio bar and amaze your friends with how much you remember from your schooldays.