Over 100 free films on line in Global Festival

A sample of more than 100 films selected by 21 international film festivals in Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Oceania, will be presented for free from May 29 to June 7 on the YouTube channel of We Are One: A Global Film Festival , the

The YouTube.com/WeAreOne channel will be the only way in which the We Are One: A Global Film Festival will share its content.

It will be 10 days with 23 fiction feature films, 8 documentaries, 72 short films, 15 talks and 5 virtual reality contents, according to information provided by the Tribeca Film Festival and YouTube, leaders of the free virtual film series, but with the option of helping in the battle against the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic by donating to the World Health Organization, UNICEF, UNHCR, Save the Children, Doctors Without Borders, Leket Israel, GO Foundation and Give2Asia, among other organizations.

Daily schedule
The daily schedule is detailed on the page www.weareoneglobalfestival.com . Tomorrow, at the opening, productions like The Stories That Prepared Us, a narrative of the coronavirus story through moments in critically acclaimed movies and television shows , will be released; a selection of short films from the Cannes, Annecy and Tribeca festivals, and The Distance Between The Sky And Us, a Palme d’Or winning short film that tells a story that comes from the nightly meeting of two strangers at a service station.

And, apart from film functions, the online festival will feature a series of conferences, talks and meetings with renowned figures, such as Bong Joon-ho, Guillermo del Toro, Jane Campion, Claire Denis, Steven Soderbergh and Francis Ford Coppola, director of the acclaimed trilogy of The Godfather.

Each film or conference will be presented as agreed in the activity calendar, but later, much of that content will be enabled as on-demand videos on YouTube.com/WeAreOne “to see as you like during the course of the festival,” says  the organization of We Are One: A Global Film Festival.YouTube . com / WeAreOne “to see it as you like during the course of the festival”, details the organization