OPINION: Democracy  for the highest bidder

Since 1997, political parties have received more than $230.4 million in financing with public funds. The purpose of the State, with the taxes paid by all Panamanians, contributing to the support of the parties was a way to promote democracy. In practice, the number of political parties has not increased, and the dominance has been concentrated in the hands of the deputies of the National Assembly, who for the most part seek another re-election. Political parties are essential institutions for democracy. However, in Panama they have fossilized and, despite the increase in public electoral financing, they are clientelist organizations that respond in some way to the highest bidder. The vast majority of political parties are under the control of their respective deputies. This deficiency increases clientelist dependence and the propensity of the party towards irresponsible populism. There is no ideology, militancy or school of cadres that serves to break the chains that are tied to these political organizations. Regardless of the results of the upcoming May 5, with the same capos controlling the political parties, democracy is asphyxiated. Without healthy political parties, public funds will never suffice to save our democracy LA PRENSA, Mar. 24