OPINION: Corrupt. self-serving lawmakers

WITH  just to days of the general elections, the deputies of the main banks show their true colors. As if a confirmation of the indifference with which the most serious matters of the country are considered, again the Credentials Committee was unable to make the quorum to consider the ratification or rejection of a Supreme Court Justice.

The crisis of Panamanian politics has many roots, however, a large percentage is due to personal selfish decisions of the protagonists of this plot. For more than 15 months, the National Assembly has prevented the Supreme Court from being renewed, all with the purpose of negotiating prebends and immunities.

Such impudence only indicates that most of the deputies are still in their cloud, totally divorced from reality and the real needs of this country. A bag of cement, a bag of food or a handful of dollars in exchange for a vote are keys that open the dungeons of a corrupt country, a mediocre government and a desperate society. Why do they want to be deputies, if so much indifference is caused by State affairs? The answer is that they do not do it for the common good, but to serve themselves hands-full. -LA PRENSA, Apl. 24