Peru’s example for Panama

.While in Panama we hope that a court will find the time to meet the request of prosecutors to extend the investigation of the Odebrecht case, in Peru judges and prosecutors are tuned to do justice. While former presidents of the Republic and politicians of all varieties have fallen for their links with the Brazilian construction company, an insistent campaign has emerged that, taking advantage of the suicide of Alan García, begins to propose a kind of final point with a blur and new account for the Peruvian political class.

Part of this nefarious initiative points to the disqualification and intimidation of investigative journalism, in particular, Gustavo Gorriti and his group of researchers, who maintain a war without quarter against the corruption that eats up Latin America.

The role of investigative journalism is fundamental for the fight against corruption. It is not accidental that the mafias, the drug traffickers, the death squads and the participants in the large public funds deals are dedicated to persecuting, threatening, harassing and trying to silence the independent press. Today, the Peruvian justice system gives an example to the world.

What has not been achieved in many countries  including ours, is a fact recognized in Peru: an independent justice, which with courage and tenacity, unravels the worst theft of its history. harass and try to silence the independent press. Today, the Peruvian justice system gives an example to the world. What has not been achieved in many countries of the world, including ours, is a fact recognized in Peru: an independent justice, which with courage and tenacity, unravels the worst theft of its history –LA  PRENSA , Apl.29