OPINION: The Martinelli propaganda apparatus

 Western countries use some variant of the protected witness to allow people who knew criminal activity first hand to cooperate with justice. Yesterday, the protected witness of the prosecution of the case of the punctures gave the face telling how the illegal operation that happened in the National Security Council of the previous government worked.

The defense of the former president of the Republic is in its his right to question the witness and his statement. Disqualifying him as a “delinquent” is paradoxically the claim that a crime was committed. The truth is that he participated in the punctures and collaborated with the courts. For its part, the defense has invoked a fugitive from justice as a witness for its arguments. They want us to believe that if the person was a plaintiff of the facts, his statement is good when it is in favor of the defense, but bad, if it is contrary. The authorities are obliged to protect this witness and his family, especially if his identity is disclosed by social networks or by the servile propaganda apparatus that works tirelessly in favor of the guest in El Renacer. – LA PRENSA,May 31