OPINION :Unscrupulous legislators hide behind virus shield

The dishonor in coronavirus time is highlighted in the National Assembly. The parents of the country took advantage of the distraction caused by the health crisis to put their goals in the draft Public Procurement Law. This does not appear to be exceptional. Taking advantage of the curtain of preventive health measures, the Panamanian Parliament has decided that it will not allow the public to enter. Thus, there will be no citizen participation in the legislative commissions and in the plenary session of the Assembly. Hot topics, such as the legalization of medicinal cannabis, the identity of the unborn, the appointment of the Ombudsman, the modification of the Internal Regulations, the reform of the Transparency Law, and others will be given behind the people’s back because the television channel of the National Assembly only transmits the activities of a legislative commission at a time, and interrupts that programming for its live signal from the plenary session. Without active citizen oversight, we will be at the expense of the will of the deputies, at a time of deep national anguish.  A Sad fate of Panamanian democracy falling into such unscrupulous hands.- LA PRENSA, Mar.13